java - Update database in one frame and show updated values in another -

i have created banking system user can deposit (for now). program uses ms access database. i've loaded database; working enough. except, when user makes deposit, while database being updated @ click of "deposit" button, user has log out , log in see updated balance (this in frame called "account details).

is there way refresh database @ click of button refreshes throughout entire program? i've been looking @ arrays. can store database in array , call in account details window? if so, how can this?

loaddata window loading database

public static account accounts[] = new account[2]; public static customer people[] = new customer[2]; public static creditcard credit[] = new creditcard[2]; public static mortgage mortgage[] = new mortgage[2]; public static transaction trans[] = new transaction[100];  loaddata() {     int = 0;     try     {         //connect database         connection conn = drivermanager.getconnection("jdbc:ucanaccess:///volumes/green grass/jsproject/prjtims_js/bank11.mdb");         statement st = conn.createstatement();         system.out.println("connected database successfully.");          //retrieve data salesperson table         string sqlaccount = "select * tblaccount";         resultset rsaccount = st.executequery(sqlaccount);          //loop through results load data salesperson array         while (         {               //retrieve column name             int cid = rsaccount.getint("custid");             int can = rsaccount.getint("checkingacctnum");             int san = rsaccount.getint("savingsacctnum");             int soan = rsaccount.getint("soaracctnum");             string ccan = rsaccount.getstring("creditcardacctnum");             int man = rsaccount.getint("mortgageacctnum");             int clan = rsaccount.getint("carloanacctnum");             double cab = rsaccount.getdouble("checkingacctbal");             double sab = rsaccount.getdouble("savingsacctbal");             double soab = rsaccount.getdouble("soaracctbal");              //load record salesperson array             accounts[i] = new account(cid,can,san,soan,ccan,man,clan,cab,sab,soab);             i++;         }          rsaccount.close();         system.out.println("loaded tblaccount table.");          //retrieve data customer table         string sqlcustomer = "select * tblcustomer";         resultset rscustomer = st.executequery(sqlcustomer);         = 0;          //loop through results load data customer array         while (          {                //retrieve column name             int cid = rscustomer.getint("custid");             string ti = rscustomer.getstring("title");             string fn = rscustomer.getstring("fname");             string ln = rscustomer.getstring("lname");             string un = rscustomer.getstring("username");             string pw = rscustomer.getstring("password");             int sn = rscustomer.getint("ssn");             string uid = rscustomer.getstring("uniqueid");             string sk = rscustomer.getstring("sightkey");             int hn = rscustomer.getint("housenum");             string stn = rscustomer.getstring("streetname");             string ci = rscustomer.getstring("city");             string sta = rscustomer.getstring("state");             int zc = rscustomer.getint("zipcode");             string pn = rscustomer.getstring("phonenum");             string em = rscustomer.getstring("email");              //load record customer array             people[i] = new customer(cid,ti,fn,ln,un,pw,sn,uid,sk,hn,stn,ci,sta,zc,pn,em);             i++;         }           rscustomer.close();         system.out.println("loaded tblcustomer table.");          //retrieve data car table         string sqlcreditcard = "select * tblcreditcard";         resultset rscreditcard = st.executequery(sqlcreditcard);         = 0;          //loop through results load data customer array              while (          {             //retrieve column name             int cid = rscreditcard.getint("custid");             string ld = rscreditcard.getstring("loandate");             float air = rscreditcard.getfloat("annualinterestrate");             double la = rscreditcard.getdouble("loanamount");             double bal = rscreditcard.getdouble("balance");             int lt = rscreditcard.getint("loanterm");             double cmp = rscreditcard.getdouble("ccmonthlypayment");              //load record car array             credit[i] = new creditcard(cid,ld,air,la,bal,lt,cmp);             i++;         }               //close result sets , connection             rscreditcard.close();              //retrieve data car table             string sqlmortgage = "select * tblmortgage";             resultset rsmortgage = st.executequery(sqlmortgage);             = 0;              //loop through results load data customer array                  while (          {             //retrieve column name             int cid = rsmortgage.getint("custid");             string mld = rsmortgage.getstring("mloandate");             float hv = rsmortgage.getfloat("homevalue");             double mla = rsmortgage.getdouble("mortloanamount");             double mair = rsmortgage.getdouble("mortannualinterestrate");             int mlt = rsmortgage.getint("mortloanterm");             double mmp = rsmortgage.getdouble("mortmonthlypayment");             double tp = rsmortgage.getdouble("totalpayments");              //load record car array             mortgage[i] = new mortgage(cid,mld,hv,mla,mair,mlt,mmp,tp);             i++;         }             //close result sets , connection             rsmortgage.close();             system.out.println("loaded tblmortgage table.");              //retrieve data car table             string sqltransaction = "select * tbltransaction";             resultset rstransaction = st.executequery(sqltransaction);             = 0;              //loop through results load data customer array                  while (              {                 //retrieve column name                 int tc = rstransaction.getint("transcount");                 int cid = rstransaction.getint("custid");                 int tn = rstransaction.getint("transnum");                 string tt = rstransaction.getstring("transtype");                 string td = rstransaction.getstring("transdate");                  //load record car array                 trans[i] = new transaction(tc,cid,tn,tt,td);                 i++;             }                  //close result sets , connection                 rstransaction.close();                 system.out.println("loaded tbltransactions table.");             conn.close();     }     catch (exception e)     {         system.out.println("can't get" +e);     } } 

account details window (i know has done in window reflect updated balance made in deposit window, not sure how)

public accountdetailswindow(int customerindex) throws ioexception{       //this shows balances , account numbers     //i know need insert here reflect new balance changes, if     jlabel lblcbal = new jlabel("$"+loaddata.accounts[customerindex].getcheckingacctbal());     lblcbal.setfont(new font("helvetica", font.plain, 11));     jlabel lblsbal = new jlabel("$"+loaddata.accounts[customerindex].getsavingsacctbal());     lblsbal.setfont(new font("helvetica", font.plain, 11));     jlabel lblsobal = new jlabel("$"+loaddata.accounts[customerindex].getsoaracctbal());     lblsobal.setfont(new font("helvetica", font.plain, 11));     jlabel lblccbal = new jlabel("$"[customerindex].getbalance());     lblccbal.setfont(new font("helvetica", font.plain, 11));     jlabel lblmbal = new jlabel("$"[customerindex].gettotalpayments());     lblmbal.setfont(new font("helvetica", font.plain, 11));     jlabel lblcacct = new jlabel("#"+loaddata.accounts[customerindex].getcheckingacctnum());     lblcacct.setforeground(new color(245, 135, 79));     lblcacct.setfont(new font("helvetica", font.plain, 11));     jlabel lblsacct = new jlabel("#"+loaddata.accounts[customerindex].getsavingsacctnum());     lblsacct.setforeground(new color(245, 135, 79));     lblsacct.setfont(new font("helvetica", font.plain, 11));     jlabel lblsoacct = new jlabel("#"+loaddata.accounts[customerindex].getsoaracctnum());     lblsoacct.setforeground(new color(245, 135, 79));     lblsoacct.setfont(new font("helvetica", font.plain, 11));     jlabel lblccacct = new jlabel("#"+loaddata.accounts[customerindex].getcreditcardacctnum());     lblccacct.setforeground(new color(245, 135, 79));     lblccacct.setfont(new font("helvetica", font.plain, 11));     jlabel lblmacct = new jlabel("#"+loaddata.accounts[customerindex].getmortgageacctnum());     lblmacct.setforeground(new color(245, 135, 79));     lblmacct.setfont(new font("helvetica", font.plain, 11)); 

deposit window contains methods updating balances deposits made.

    public static int = 0;      double dtsoar, dtchecking, dtsavings, newcb, newsb, newsob;     double checkamount;      int transnum = 4;     string transtype = "deposit";      // current date time date = new;      timestamp ts = new timestamp(date.gettime());   depositcheckwindow(int customerindex) throws ioexception, parseexception{       //create make deposit button     jbutton depositbutton = new jbutton ("make deposit");      depositbutton.setfont(new font("helvetica", font.bold, 12));     depositbutton.setopaque(false);     depositbutton.setpreferredsize(new dimension(85, 22));     depositbutton.setforeground(new color(251, 125, 24));      bufferedimage buttonicon6 = file("images/depositbtn.png"));     depositbutton = new jbutton(new imageicon(buttonicon6));     depositbutton.setborderpainted(false);     depositbutton.setfocuspainted(false);     depositbutton.setcontentareafilled(false);      // add listener make deposit button     depositbutton.addactionlistener (new actionlistener () {     public void actionperformed(actionevent e){         // retrieve value text field         checkamount = (double) txtamt.getvalue();          //checkamount = double.parsedouble(txtamt.gettext());           //deposit checking account         if (tolist.getselecteditem().tostring().equals("checking account")){             dtchecking += checkamount;             joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null,"you have deposited " + checkamount+" checking account.");                       }          //deposit savings account         else if (tolist.getselecteditem().tostring().equals("savings account")){             dtsavings += checkamount;             joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null,"you have deposited $" + checkamount+" savings account.");             }          //deposit soar account          else if (tolist.getselecteditem().tostring().equals("soar account")){             dtsoar += checkamount;             joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null,"you have deposited $" + checkamount+" soar account.");             }          try {             calculatebalances(customerindex);         } catch (ioexception e1) {             // todo auto-generated catch block             e1.printstacktrace();         }         txtamt.settext("");     }});    //calculate new account balances void calculatebalances(int customerindex) throws ioexception {      //calculate newcb - new savings account balance     newcb = loaddata.accounts[customerindex].getcheckingacctbal() + dtchecking;      //calculate newsb - new savings account balance     newsb = loaddata.accounts[customerindex].getsavingsacctbal() + dtsavings;      //calculate new sob - new soar account balance     newsob = loaddata.accounts[customerindex].getsoaracctbal() + dtsoar;      //call methods     depositfunds(customerindex);     savetransaction();   }  //update account balances boolean depositfunds(int customerindex){     int = 0;     try     {         //connect database         connection conn = drivermanager.getconnection("jdbc:ucanaccess:///volumes/green grass/jsproject/prjtims_js/bank11.mdb");         statement stmt = conn.createstatement();         system.out.println("connected database ...");          string upprofile = "update tblaccount set checkingacctbal = '" +newcb+ "', savingsacctbal = '" +newsb+ "', soaracctbal = '" +newsob+ "' custid = '" +loaddata.accounts[i].getcustid()+ "'";         stmt.execute(upprofile);          conn.close();         joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, "accounts table updated successfully");     }     catch( exception e ){         system.out.println("can't retrieve database connection: "+e);     }     return true; }  //write transaction table void savetransaction(){     try     {         int transcount = 0;         //connect database         connection conn = drivermanager.getconnection("jdbc:ucanaccess:///volumes/green grass/jsproject/prjtims_js/bank11.mdb");         statement stmt = conn.createstatement();         system.out.println("connected database ...");          string intransaction = "insert tbltransaction (transcount,"+ "custid,"+ "transnum," + "transtype, "+ "transdate) "+ "values('"+transcount+"','"+ loaddata.accounts[i].getcustid()+"','"+transnum+"','"+transtype+"','"+ts+"')";          transcount++;          stmt.execute(intransaction);         conn.close();         joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, "transaction table values inserted successfully");     }     catch( exception e ){         system.out.println("can't retrieve database connection: "+e);     } } 



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