jdbc - JBoss Module java.lang.ClassNotFoundException -

i'm trying deploy orientdb datasource jboss as7 using jdbc file, , keep getting [java.lang.classnotfoundexception: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.osignalhandler module "com.orientechnologies:main" local module loader @6f4051d1 (roots: /opt/jboss/modules) exception (link partial stack trace). thing - .class file in same jar class that's throwing error:

cmdsl[/opt/jboss/modules/com/orientechnologies/main/] tue apr 14, 15:56:49|vagrant[788]$ ls module.xml  orientdb-jdbc-2.0.7-all.jar  orientdb-jdbc-2.0.7-all.jar.index  cmdsl[/opt/jboss/modules/com/orientechnologies/main/] tue apr 14, 15:56:50|vagrant[789]$ jar tf orientdb-jdbc-2.0.7-all.jar | grep osignal com/orientechnologies/orient/core/osignalhandler.class 

i'm not sure why it's having trouble seeing that. server/boot logs don't seem provide additional errors.


jar tf orientdb-jdbc-2.0.7-all.jar

i've tried track down additional dependencies , expose separate modules, i've spent lot of time trying find decent documentation on how build these modules , class resolution rules are, seem point needing depth of 2 in folder structure. not sure if there's more need put in meta-inf indicate locations of these classes.


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