Java String- How to get a part of package name in android? -
its getting string value between 2 characters. has many questions related this. like:
how string between 2 characters?
extract string between 2 strings in java
and more. felt quiet confusing while dealing multiple dots in string , getting value between 2 dots.
i have got package name :
i need value between "com." , next "dot(.)". in case "newline". tried
pattern pattern = pattern.compile("com.(.*)."); matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(beforetask); while (matcher.find()) { int ct =;
i tried using substrings , indexof also. couldn't intended answer. because package name in android varies different number of dots , characters, cannot use fixed index. please suggest idea.
as know (based on .*
part in regex) dot .
special character in regular expressions representing character (except line separators). make dot represent dot need escape it. can place \
before it, or place inside character class [.]
also part parenthesis (.*)
need select proper group index in case 1
so try
string beforetask = ""; pattern pattern = pattern.compile("com[.](.*)[.]"); matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(beforetask); while (matcher.find()) { string ct =;//remember regex finds strings, not int system.out.println(ct); }
output: newline
if want 1 element before next .
need change greedy behaviour of *
quantifier in .*
reluctant adding ?
after like
pattern pattern = pattern.compile("com[.](.*?)[.]"); // ^
another approach instead of .*
accepting non-dot characters. can represented negated character class: [^.]*
pattern pattern = pattern.compile("com[.]([^.]*)[.]");
if don't want use regex can use indexof
method locate positions of com.
, next .
after it. can substring want.
string beforetask = ""; int start = beforetask.indexof("com.") + 4; // +4 since want skip 'com.' part int end = beforetask.indexof(".", start); //find next `.` after start index string resutl = beforetask.substring(start, end); system.out.println(resutl);
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