MATLAB: save a class property -

i'd save particular class property disk, while ignoring rest of class properties. think matlab allows saveobj method overridden purpose. however, saves class object property attached. want save property itself, without of class information.

i might think suitable method like:

classdef myclass     properties         myprop     end      methods         def b = saveobj(a)             b = a.myprop;         end          def save(a,fname)             save(fname,'a.myprop');         end     end end 

but neither of these have desired effect. can me, please?

you can overload save function without having go through saveobj:

classdef myclass     properties         myprop     end      methods         function [] =  save(a,fname,varargin)             myprop = a.myprop; %#ok<prop,nasgu>             save(fname,'myprop',varargin{:});         end     end end  

then on command window:

>> foo = myclass(); >> foo.myprop = 4; >>'var.txt'); >> bar = load('var.txt','-mat'); >> bar.myprop ans =      4 


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