multithreading - Peterson's Algorithm with Threads and Linked List (C language) -
i have following situation:
first of all, created int linked list (already working, no problems this) , need perform following task:
using 2 threads, 1 thread remove first element of list , after same thread must add new element @ end of list (the list follows fifo structure).
the second thread same: delete first element , add 1 @ end of list.
i need perform operation more once, done using loop.
when create thread, use following function:
for(i=0, i<num_threads; i++) pthread_create (&thread[i], null, threadbody, (void *) i);
in num_threads variable containing number of threads use (in case, 2), , thread declared as:
pthread_t thread [num_threads] ;
so, questions are:
do need perform operations i've meant before (add , delete elements on list) on threadbody function or function empty?
in case threadbody function isn't meant operation, how use threads i've created perform operations? done using pthread_join function?
another point need use peterson's algorithm in order guarantee mutual exclusion. how do it?
i can see operations on linked list simple. in such context, maybe better use lock-free programming. read, review link. if using gcc, please review __sync_bool_compare_and_swap operations (link). finally, problem of programming lock-free linked list has been broadly studied. next link may give hints link. luck!
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