XPages: Embed PDF and possibly Office files -
i need embed pdf files in xpage application. using ie11 x64 , cannot changed. eventually, i'll need embed ms office files (word, excel, power point).
i have looked @ lot of pages , couldn't working solution this... have code works if force ie11 in ie10 mode, dojo starts acting weird (cannot close dialog boxes, ...).
the code have right in computed field looks this:
var id:string = pagedocument.getdocument().getuniversalid(); var attnames = @attachmentnames(); var url = getattachmenturl(id,attnames); '<object data="' + url + '#view=fit&pagemode=none&statusbar=0&messages=0"' + 'type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="100%" > ' + '<p>it appears web browser not configured display pdf files. ' + 'no worries, <a href="' + url + '">click here download file.</a></p>'+ '</object>'
i need free solution.
ibm, should made easy if want compete sharepoint, no???
short answer: don't bother.
long answer: while might work pdf in ie11, boss won't happy, because not show on ipad, need have plan b.... , there gotcha down road (read below). do:
- use apache pdfbbox extract text pdf , show in xpage.
- add link page open whole pdf
- do same thing office documents using apache poi using openntf poi4xpages
- the download link should make use of webdav domino allow round-trip editing
why fuzz:
- your users use mobile @ point of time , no mobile browser support embedding (nor browsers on mac)
- even if embedding working, users start edit embedded document , really upset since don't save changes
on side note: asking ibm support technology vendor proprietary working in 1 browser (that has been eol future updates - see project spartan) - ain't going happen.
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