Codeigniter Pagination Links Error After ID -

sorry if question duplicate, have problem codeigniter pagination. url is: http://mysite/news/category/26/(page number), have 5 data , page limit 10, generated links active on page 3, believe because of id/26/

this model :

function categpry($id){     $string_query = "select * news n join category c on n.category_id = c.id_category , n.category_id = $id order n.category_id desc";     $query = $this->db->query($string_query);     $config['base_url'] = site_url('news/category/' . $id);     $config['total_rows'] = $query->num_rows();     $config['per_page'] = '10';     $num = $config['per_page'];     $offset = $this->uri->segment(4);     $offset = ( ! is_numeric($offset) || $offset < 1) ? 0 : $offset;     if(empty($offset)){         $offset = 0;     }     $this->pagination->initialize($config);     $news = $this->db->query($string_query." limit $offset,$num");     return $nes; } 

the generated links 1 - 2 - 3, should no link because have 5 data
please me on this, thank you

finally fixed change script :

function category($id){      $string_query = "select * news n join category c on n.category_id = c.id_category , n.category_id = $id order n.category_id desc";     $query                      = $this->db->query($string_query);     $config['base_url']         = site_url('news/category/' . $id);     $config['total_rows']       = $query->num_rows();     $limit                      = $config["per_page"] = 10;     $config["uri_segment"]      = 4;     $config["use_page_numbers"] = true;     $this->pagination->initialize($config);     if($this->uri->segment(4))         $page = ($this->uri->segment(4)-1)*$limit;     else         $page = 1;     $news= $this->db->query($string_query." limit $page,$limit");     return $news; } 

thank you


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