haskell - use BootstrapHorizontalForm in yesod -

i intend use bootstraphorizontalform, use how example guide, code:

the form

churchform :: maybe church -> aform handler (church,maybe fileinfo) churchform mc = (,) <$> (church  <$> areq textfield (bfs msgname) (churchname <$> mc)  <*  bootstrapsubmit (bootstrapsubmit msgcreateaction "btn-default" [("attribute-name","attribute-value")]) 

the method

getchurchnewr :: handler html getchurchnewr = (widget, enctype) <- generateformpost $                    renderbootstrap3 (bootstraphorizontalform (colsm 0) (colsm 4) (colsm 0) (colsm 6))                    (churchform nothing)   defaultlayout $     msgaction = msgcreateaction     actionr = churchnewr     mpath = nothing $(widgetfile "church/church") 

but have error:

handler/church.hs:63:67: not in scope: data constructor ‘colsm’

thanks help

this looks missing import. check import cpmsm @ top of file.

this import of form:

import yesod.form.bootstrap3 (bootstrapgridoptions (colsm)) 


import yesod.form.bootstrap3 (bootstrapgridoptions (..)) 

or even

import yesod.form.bootstrap3 

if doesn't sound familiar, can take @ the modules chapter learn haskell know more imports.


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