Properties of Entity sent from iOS are set to null when objectify is used to store the entity into datastore -

i send entity ios client , processed following backendapi method:

    @apimethod(name="datainserter.insertdata",path="insertdata",httpmethod="post")     public entity insertdata(customentity userinput){         ofy().save().entity(userinput).now();         return userinput;     } 

customentity defined within follows:

    //import statements here      @entity     public class customentity {         @id public string someid;         @index string provideddata;     } 

after above code runs, datastore contains following entry:

    id/name      provideddata     id=5034...   <null> 

if add following lines method:

    customentity badsoup=new customentity();     badsoup.provideddata="i exhausted";     ofy().save().entity(badsoup).now(); 

i see following in datastore after run code:

    id/name      provideddata     id=5034...   exhausted 

in post similar one, poster -- drux -- concludes "...assignments @indexed properties have actual effects on indices (and hence queries) if carried out directly objectify on server (not indirectly on ios clients , passed server google cloud endpoints)." stickfigure responds, "it sounds you're saying 'cloud endpoints not reconstituting someentity object correctly'. objectify not involved; saves whatever give it."

it's hard tell whether stickfigure correct given fact when explore api using google's apis explorer, same problem described above still occurs.

is able explain what's causing or drux's conclusion correct?


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