regex - Replace [1-2] in to 1 in Python -

i replace [1-2] 1, [3-4] 3, [7-8] 7, [2] 2, , on.

for example, use following strings:

db[1-2] db[3-4] db[1] xyz-db[1-2] 

and convert them to 

you use regex like:


and replace with:


here's regex does:

^ matches beginning of string
(.*) matches character amount of times, , first capture group
\[ matches character [ literally
([0-9]+) matches number 1 or more times, , second capture group
.*? matches character amount of times, tries find smallest match
\] matches character ] literally
(.*) matches characters amount of times
$ matches end of string

by replacing $1$2$3, replacing text in first capture group, followed text in second capture group, followed text in third capture group.

here's live preview on


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