tweepy error python 2.7 -

i keep getting error:

tweepy.error.tweeperror: [{u'message': u'status duplicate.', u'code': 187 

i have no clue why getting error have tried everything!

my main code is:

import socket urllib2 import urlopen, urlerror, httperror  socket.setdefaulttimeout( 23 )  # timeout in seconds  url = '' try :     response = urlopen( url ) except httperror, e:     tweet_text = "raspberry pi server down!"     textfile = open('/root/documents/server_check.txt','w')     textfile.write("down")     textfile.close() except urlerror, e:     tweet_text = "raspberry pi server down!"     textfile = open('/root/documents/server_check.txt','w')     textfile.write("down")     textfile.close() else :     textfile = open('/root/documents/server_check.txt','r')     if 'down' in open('/root/documents/server_check.txt').read():         tweet_text = "raspberry pi server up!"         textfile = open('/root/documents/server_check.txt','w')         textfile.write("up")         textfile.close()     elif 'up' in open('/root/documents/server_check.txt').read():         tweet_text = "" if len(tweet_text) <= 140:     if tweet_text == "raspberry pi server down!" or tweet_text == "raspberry pi server up!":         api.update_status(status=tweet_text)     else:         pass else:     print "your message long!" 

i have removed api's security reasons! have removed link server. appreciated!


the problem tweepy doesn't let tweet same tweet twice fix added these lines of code:

for status in tweepy.cursor(api.user_timeline).items():     try:         api.destroy_status(     except:         pass 

the code above deletes previous tweets next tweet doesn't fail.

i hope helps else!


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