android - phonegap app with Smart Card integration -

i have phonegap/cordova app want secure precise biometric's smart card tactivo reader. new smart card integration, , precise biometrics not seem have informative documentation. have found need create own plugin phonegap in order use card reader.

my question is: there plugin created this, or can post example of plugin code need?

so far have code in plugin.xml file:

<plugin xmlns=""     xmlns:rim=""     xmlns:android=""     id="cordova-plugin-device"     version="1.0.0-dev">     <name>smartcard</name>     <description>cordova smartcard plugin</description>     <license>apache 2.0</license>     <keywords>cordova,smartcard</keywords>     <repo></repo>     <issue></issue>      <js-module src="www/smartcard.js" name="smartcard">         <clobbers target="smartcard" />     </js-module>  ...  <!-- android -->     <platform name="android">         <config-file target="res/xml/config.xml" parent="/*">             <feature name="smartcard" >                 <param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.smartcard.smardcard"/>             </feature>         </config-file>         <config-file target="androidmanifest.xml" parent="/*">            <uses-permission android:name="" />         </config-file>          <source-file src="src/android/" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/smartcard" />           <js-module src="www/smartcardhandle.js" name="smartcardhandle">             <clobbers target="smartcardrhandle" />         </js-module>       </platform> 

and no code in www/*.js files

i want pointed in right direction. thanks.

no, wasn't able find plugin , there doesn't exist 1 because smart card tactivos aren't common.

that said, option create plugin of own. first of all, need precise mobile toolkit details precise biometrics described on their website:

please contact local precise biometrics representative or email: request free toolkit.

after toolkit need wrap implementation cordova plugin described on cordova documentation: generally plugins , specifically android plugin development. please see other plugins support android reference. examples used ones such device plugin (and android implementation) , file plugin (and android implementation). there 2 first 1 simpler , shows basic structure of how implement callable java functions whereas later 1 provides more sophisticated structure , lot more of example.


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