android - Roboblender annotation processing not working -

i try make roboblender work roboguice compile time processing doesn't seem anything, annotationdatabaseimpl class not generated. (project builds without error.)

i created sample project, please see below. miss? (i know gradle task , second metadata needed multi module project, didn't work without them either).


project.tasks.withtype(javacompile) { task ->     options.compilerargs << "" }  dependencies {     compile filetree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])     compile ''     compile 'org.roboguice:roboguice:3.+'     provided 'org.roboguice:roboblender:3.+' } 


    <meta-data         android:name="roboguice.modules"         android:value="" />      <meta-data         android:name="roboguice.annotations.packages"         android:value="" /> 


@contentview(r.layout.activity_main) public class mainactivity extends roboactivity {      @inject     private presentmaker presentmaker; 


public class roboguicebindings extends abstractmodule {      @override     protected void configure() {         bind(presentmaker.class).to(birthdaypresentmaker.class);     } } 

the annotationdatabaseimpl there under build directory not among source files.

my bad, every annotation processor work this. (although strangely this project has annotationdatabaseimpl generated in project root..).


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