windows - Win Task Scheduler: Start A Task Based on Other Multiple Task Successes -
based on this work
i want extend custom xpath given below following case: have tasks. a, b, c, , d. a, b, , c set run @ 7am. action fails, , when does, task restarts application until succeeds. when a, b, , c done, want d trigger. xpath use to make d trigger?
query article:
<querylist> <query id="0" path="microsoft-windows-taskscheduler/operational"> <select path="microsoft-windows-taskscheduler/operational">*[eventdata [@name='tasksuccessevent'][data[@name='taskname']='\ping']]</select> </query> </querylist>
after posting in various places online, of popular belief windows task manager can not handle such request.
personally, using etl system. after looking @ microsoft build session data factory, believe may right tool me. other enterprise task tools exist different applications have functionality.
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