javascript - Image maps with curves -

i need create many image maps custom edges, curved ones. options find polygons straight edges. while it's possible simulate curves zillions of points, user given option zoom images , perfect curves crucial.

isn't there way of using, say, bezier curves on these image maps? if @ possible, don't want use svg objects since seems unnecessarily complex (although, obviously, might wrong).

imagemaps ancient html feature , @ time, nobody considered bezier curves. there 1 (rarely used) feature of image maps solution though: server-side image maps.

they work bit differently: instead of defining different urls specific areas, define 1 url entire map, , corrdinates, user clicks appended url. above link gives example how can try it.

e.g. if have such image map, links , click somewhere (say @ pixel coords 25/27), user,27

with in place, decide on server side, user has clicked. (and there use more complex polygons beziƩrs determine area)


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