python - Want to make a consumer, not sure if kombu is enough or I need to also implement Celery -

i'm in process of making consumer rabbtmq. i'm using python , after research decided use kombu. kombu connected queue in rabbit , read messages. code

queue = queue('somequeue')  def process(body, message):     #     message.ack()  # connections connection(hostname="localhost", userid="****", password="****", port=****, virtualhost="/") conn:  # consume conn.consumer(queue, callbacks=[process]) consumer:     # process messages , handle events on channels     while true:         conn.drain_events()  

it seems work see celery , kombu used together. need consume messages queue, kombu enough or should integrate celery well. if so, has example, found examples aren't clear me. want make queue durable=false consumer seems have durable =true default. how can change this?

thanks help!


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