shell - How to validate a file format -

i wrote shell script. got error message line 14 , 18, not see wrong. script supposed analyze each file of *.fq. if first 3 characters of given file not match "hwi" script reply "invalide format", if match script give me number of "hwi" lines in file.

!/bin/sh f in *.fq a="$(head -n1 $f)" c="$(expr substr $a 2 3)" echo $c nr="$(grep -w "hwi" $f | wc -l) if [ "$c"="hwi" ] ;   echo $f |  "the number of read of $f $nr" else   echo"invalide format" fi done 

can explain errors are?

there several syntax issues in script, can use tool detect mistakes. after indenting code, here more correct (not perfect) version of wrote:

for f in *.fq       a=$(head -n1 "$f")     c=$(expr substr "$a" 2 3)     echo "$c"     nr=$(grep -w "hwi" "$f" | wc -l)     if [ "$c" == "hwi" ];         echo "the number of read of $f $nr"     else          echo "invalide format"     fi done 
  • no need quotes " " around $(..)
  • no need pipe $f echo (not sure trying do)
  • put quotes " " wrapping variables avoid word splitting

i did not run code since don't know want do, @ least syntax should better.


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