java - Facebook OAuth redirect_uri Issue -

i trying build authentication flow in our app facebook in java. using facebook4j library.

my corresponding code follows -

public string authenticate() throws ioexception {     facebook facebook = new facebookfactory().getinstance();     string redirecturl = facebook.getoauthauthorizationurl("http://localhost:9099/default/facebook/verify.html");     servletresponse.sendredirect(redirecturl);     return null; }  public string verify() throws exception {     string code = servletrequest.getparameter("code");     facebook facebook = new facebookfactory().getinstance();     accesstoken accesstoken = facebook.getoauthaccesstoken(code);     string token = accesstoken.gettoken();     servletresponse.getwriter().write(token);     return null; } 

i getting error after redirection on line -

accesstoken accesstoken = facebook.getoauthaccesstoken(code); 

the error follows -

facebookexception{statuscode=400, errortype='oauthexception', errormessage='redirect_uri isn't absolute uri. check rfc 3986.', errorcode=191, errorsubcode=-1, version=2.2.2}     @ facebook4j.internal.http.httpclientimpl.request(     @ facebook4j.internal.http.httpclientwrapper.request(     @ facebook4j.internal.http.httpclientwrapper.get(     @ facebook4j.auth.oauthauthorization.getoauthaccesstoken( 

redirecturl getting facebook in first call -,public_profile,user_friends

tried without using encoding -,public_profile,user_friends

it redirecting 'verify' having url -


oauth.appid=416xxxxxxxxx389 oauth.appsecret=9ed3xxxxxxb6acxxxxxxxxc7acxxxx5 oauth.permissions=email,public_profile,user_friends 

my facebook app basic settings -

enter image description here

the important advanced settings -

enter image description here

i totally aware similar question has been posted earlier multiple times. have gone through every question & tried suggested resolve issue. due reason not working. decided post problem here after spending 3 days on same issue.

i highly appreciate if points out going wrong.

the redirect_uri parameter has specified when exchanging code token (and has same specified earlier in login dialog call).

i’d assume since using new facebookfactory().getinstance() in second method, not case. take @ basic implementation here,

in signinservlet, facebook object instance stored session, , in callbackservlet same instance retrieved , used again. therefor, still holds redirect_uri value used when auth dialog called, , re-use same value when exchanging code token.


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