javascript - AngularJS Resource not using ID on update -
i have pretty basic factory:
app.factory('person', function($resource) { return $resource(api_route+'/people/:id.json', { id: "@id" }, { update: { method: "put" } }); });
it performs get
request specified url expected, when tried update, goes /people.json
instead of /people/:id.json
person.get({ id: personid }, function(person) { return $scope.person = person; }); $scope.person.$update()
the response server logs:
started put "/hr/angular/people.json" @ 2015-04-14 14:12:30 -0500 actioncontroller::routingerror (no route matches [put] "/angular/people.json"):
i tried different way of doing update command got same response.
person.update($scope.person, function(person) { console.log($person); });
if hardcode id resource path, $resource(api_route+'/people/1234.json')
, i'm able expected actions on individual, including update. don't see i'm missing allow get
method of resource use proper path not update.
you need pass id update method don't you?
$scope.person.$update({ id: 1 }, function(response) { // });
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