PHP Function call with AJAX - Update cookie -
i'm trying update cookie in online-store. when amount of specific product in store updated, cookie has updated , reload page.
i'm trying onchange
event jquery
. coded follows:
$.ajax({ type: 'post', url: "./dao/winkelwagendao.php", data: {function: "updateaantal", productid: productid, aantal: aantal}, success: function (data) { console.log("succeeded!", data); //location.reload(); //to reload page }, error: function (err) { console.log("something went wrong in ajax-request: ", err); } }); });
this works , logging correct things.
now php-file catch event:
if (isset($_post['function'])) { $action = $_post['function']; switch ($action) { case 'updateaantal' : echo "\namount change productid: " . $_post['productid'] . " use function: " . $_post['function'] . " set amount to: " . $_post['aantal']; winkelwagendao::updateaantal($_post['productid']); } }
here updateaantal()
-function called defined inside php_file. therefore have include php file access getters/setters. (i think there problem here because when include_once './model/winkelwagenitem.php';
gives warning file not found (altough class/class/...
correct). when file_exists
in code below says file exist (a bit stuck here)
public static function updateaantal($productid) { if (file_exists('model/winkelwagenitem.php')) { //echo "\nfile wanted import in winkelwagendao exist!\n<br>"; include_once 'model/winkelwagenitem.php'; } else { //echo "file wanted import in winkelwagendao not exist!"; } echo "\nupdateaantal function called"; $array = self::getwinkelwagenitems(); echo $array[0]->getproductid(); //here goes wrong if (isset($_cookie["winkelwagen"])) { //cookie exists? $array = self::getwinkelwagenitems(); $index = 0; //positie bijhouden foreach ($array $product) { if ($productid == $array[$index]->getproductid()) { //echo $productid . " == " . $array[$index]->getproductid(); $array[$index]->setaantal($_post['aantal']); $serializearray = serialize($array); setcookie("winkelwagen", $serializearray); break; //quit if match } else { $index++; } } } else { echo "this cookie did not exist"; } }`
this in console (error @ bottom) :
seems can not call ->getproductid()
because of include_once()
not done right? when include_once gives warning that: no such file in directory, double checked , file exist. says exists when use if (file_exists in php).
source/model/winkelwagenitem -> getters , setters source/dao/winkelwagendao -> updateaantal function
can me out ? been trying day
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