c++ - Array Getting Treated Like a Variable in Another Function -

my array being treated variable when pass out of function. have tried multiple fixes , none have seemed work. in readinround function file writes out file i'm reading in. bring update[] array append function can append file i'm writing to.

struct masterfile{ string round, id, fname, lname, league, team; double mins, twopta, twoptm, threepta, threeptm, fta, ftm, pertwo, perthree, perft, fouls, turnovers, points;};  struct header{ string record, filename, date, round;};  struct footer{ string record, filename, date, round; int recordcount; double mins;};  struct updatefile{ string record, action, round, id, fname, lname, league, team; double mins, twopta, twoptm, threepta, threeptm, fta, ftm, fouls, turnovers, points;};  int main(){   header header[1]; footer footer[500]; masterfile master[500]; updatefile update[500]; masterfile newmaster[500];  int x = 0; // round counter double roundcount = 0; int u = 0; // new master counter int w = 0;  x = readinround(update, master);  readinmaster();  append(roundcount, master, update, x, newmaster);  out(w, newmaster, u);     system("pause"); return 0;} double readinround(updatefile up[],  masterfile master[]){  ifstream roundfile; roundfile.open("rounddata.txt", ios::in);  string recordtype = "h,d,t"; double points = 0.0; header header[1]; footer footer[500]; updatefile update[500];  int x = 0;  if (roundfile.is_open()) {//header      getline(roundfile, header[x].record, ',');     getline(roundfile, header[x].filename, ',');     getline(roundfile, header[x].date, ',');     getline(roundfile, header[x].round, '\n');     x++;     while (!roundfile.eof())     {//player data         getline(roundfile, recordtype, ',');          if (recordtype == "t")         {//footer           //footer[x].record = recordtype;             getline(roundfile, footer[x].record, ',');             getline(roundfile, footer[x].filename, ',');             getline(roundfile, footer[x].date, ',');             getline(roundfile, footer[x].round, ',');             roundfile >> update[x].points;             roundfile.ignore(100, '\n');             x++;             break;         }         update[x].record = recordtype;         getline(roundfile, update[x].action, ',');         getline(roundfile, update[x].round, ',');         getline(roundfile, update[x].id, ',');         getline(roundfile, update[x].fname, ',');         getline(roundfile, update[x].lname, ',');         getline(roundfile, update[x].league, ',');         getline(roundfile, update[x].team, ',');         roundfile >> update[x].mins;         roundfile.ignore(100, ',');         roundfile >> update[x].twopta;         roundfile.ignore(100, ',');         roundfile >> update[x].twoptm;         roundfile.ignore(100, ',');         roundfile >> update[x].threepta;         roundfile.ignore(100, ',');         roundfile >> update[x].threeptm;         roundfile.ignore(100, ',');         roundfile >> update[x].fta;         roundfile.ignore(100, ',');         roundfile >> update[x].ftm;         roundfile.ignore(100, ',');         roundfile >> update[x].fouls;         roundfile.ignore(100, ',');         roundfile >> update[x].turnovers;         roundfile.ignore(100, '\n');         points = (update[x].twoptm * 2) + (update[x].threeptm * 3) + (update[x].ftm * 1);         x++;     }     //up = update;  } else {     cout << "round file failed open.\n"; }  return x;}  void append(double& roundcount, masterfile master[], updatefile update[], int& x, masterfile newmaster[]){ int w = 0; (int d = 0; d < x; d++) {     int e = 0;     if (master[e].id == update[d].id)     {         if (update[d].action == "c")         {             newmaster[w].id = update[d].id;             newmaster[w].fname = update[d].fname;             newmaster[w].lname = update[d].lname;             newmaster[w].league = update[d].league;             newmaster[w].team = update[d].team;             newmaster[w].mins = master[e].mins + update[d].mins;             newmaster[w].twopta = master[e].twopta + update[d].twopta;             newmaster[w].twoptm = master[e].twoptm + update[d].twoptm;             newmaster[w].threepta = master[e].threepta + update[d].threepta;             newmaster[w].threeptm = master[e].threeptm + update[d].threeptm;             newmaster[w].fta = master[e].fta + update[d].fta;             newmaster[w].ftm = master[e].ftm + update[d].ftm;             newmaster[w].pertwo = ((master[e].pertwo) + (update[d].twoptm / update[d].twopta)*100) / 2;             newmaster[w].perthree = ((master[e].perthree) + (update[d].threeptm / update[d].threepta)*100) / 2;             newmaster[w].perft = ((master[e].perft) + (update[d].ftm / update[d].fta)) / 2;             newmaster[w].fouls = master[e].fouls + update[d].fouls;             newmaster[w].turnovers = master[e].turnovers + update[d].turnovers;             newmaster[w].points = master[e].points + update[d].points;             w++;             e++;         }         else if (update[d].action == "d")         {             e++;         }     }     if (update[d].action == "a")     {         newmaster[w].id = update[d].id;         newmaster[w].fname = update[d].fname;         newmaster[w].lname = update[d].lname;         newmaster[w].league = update[d].league;         newmaster[w].team = update[d].team;         newmaster[w].mins = update[d].mins;         newmaster[w].twopta = update[d].twopta;         newmaster[w].twoptm = update[d].twoptm;         newmaster[w].threepta = update[d].threepta;         newmaster[w].threeptm = update[d].threeptm;         newmaster[w].fta = update[d].fta;         newmaster[w].ftm = update[d].ftm;         newmaster[w].fouls = update[d].fouls;         newmaster[w].turnovers = update[d].turnovers;         w++;     } } } 

in double readinround(updatefile up[], masterfile master[]) parameter named up, keep updating local updatefile update[500];.

change them up.


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