ios - Reload Table view cell with animation (Swift) -

is there way reload specific uitableview cells multiple sections animations?

i've been using:

self.thetableview.reloadsections(nsindexset(index: 1), withrowanimation: uitableviewrowanimation.right) 

this animates cells in section though. other option use:

self.thetableview.reloadrowsatindexpaths(<#indexpaths: [anyobject]#>,                                           withrowanimation: <#uitableviewrowanimation#>) 


after using reloadrowsatindexpaths

terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinternalinconsistencyexception', reason: 'invalid update: invalid number of rows in section 1. number of rows contained in existing section after update (5) must equal number of rows contained in section before update (4), plus or minus number of rows inserted or deleted section (0 inserted, 0 deleted) , plus or minus number of rows moved or out of section (0 moved in, 0 moved out).'

trying find smooth way of reloading tableview appending objects array.

calling thetableview.reloaddata() before reloadrowsatindexpaths works, animation glitchy. there approach?

why not reload cells directly? indexpath contains section , row keep track of section want reload , fill indexes in array.

var indexpath1 = nsindexpath(forrow: 1, insection: 1) var indexpath2 = nsindexpath(forrow: 1, insection: 2) self.tableview.reloadrowsatindexpaths([indexpath1, indexpath2], withrowanimation: uitableviewrowanimation.automatic) 

based on comment looking change array , have tableview animate in changes. if that's case should consider using beginupdates() , endupdates() uitableviews or nsfetchedresultscontroller handles of update animations cleanly.

self.tableview.beginupdates() // insert or delete rows self.tableview.endupdates() 

i'd recommend using nsfetchedresultscontroller if you're using core data simplifies entire process. otherwise have handle changes yourself. in other words, if array changes need manually remove or insert rows in tableview using beginupdates() , endupdates(). if aren't using core data, study this grasp how it's handled.


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