javascript - How to override default functionality in Ember-addons -

in ember-cli documentation describes bridging addon within host application overriding app/component/[addon-name.js] yourself. however, documentation doesn't explicitly state how this.

with trial , error i've noticed creating component file in [host app]/app/component/[name of addon.js] , copy/paste addon code there provides venue customize addon. however, terrible approach, imagine override functions in question...and in cases call this.super().functionname in order keep over-rides simple , trim.

however, can't work. ideas?

extensibility why addons have both addon/ , app/ trees. in app tree component, component should import , export, example:

import xselect 'emberx-select/components/x-select'; export default xselect; 


in kind of case want create component in [host app]/app/component/[name-of-addons-component.js] in component do:

import xselect 'emberx-select/components/x-select';  export default xselect.extend({   //any overrides }); 


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