Multiple points openlayer and only show the last -

please me problem.

i have route finder shows both list , map various points vehicle has passed. when click on item in list, point can seen in map, when have 2 points in same location (eg point1, point2), shows me last point (point2)

i have no idea how when click point1 point placed above point2 , vice versa

my code is:

// when clic in item of list function searchpoint(x, y, zoom) {  if (x != 0 && x != '0' && x != '0.0') {     map.setcenter(     new openlayers.lonlat(x, y).transform(             new openlayers.projection("epsg:4326"),             map.getprojectionobject()         ), zoom     ); } }  layerrutaspuntoshistorial = new openlayers.layer.vector("rutas puntos historial", {     //rendereroptions: { zindexing: true },     strategies: [new openlayers.strategy.fixed()],     protocol: new openlayers.protocol.http({         url: "trackweb.asmx/obtenerrutaspuntoshistorial",         readwithpost: true,         params: { iddispositivo: $("#ddldispositivos").val(), tipo: $("").attr("data-valor"), fechainicial: $("#txtfechadesde").val(), fechafinal: $("#txtfechahasta").val() },         //params: { iddispositivo: $("#ddldispositivos").val(), tipo: $(".btntile.selectdates.selected").attr("data-valor"), fechainicial: $("#txtfechadesde").val() + " " + $("#ddhorain").val() + ":" + $("#ddminutoin").val() + ":00", fechafinal: $("#txtfechahasta").val() + " " + $("#ddhoraout").val() + ":" + $("#ddminutoout").val() + ":00" },         headers: { "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8" },         format: new openlayers.format.geojson(),         contenttype: 'application/json; utf-8',         datatype: 'json',         async: true     }),     stylemap: stylesrutas });   var stylesrutas = new openlayers.stylemap({     "default": new, {         rules: [         new openlayers.rule({             symbolizer: {                 "point": {                     pointradius: 6,                     graphicname: "circle",                     fillcolor: "#f78f1e",                     fillopacity: 1,                     strokecolor: "#f78f1e",                     labeloutlinecolor: "#f78f1e",                     cursor: "pointer",                     label: "${numero}",                     fontcolor: "#fff",                     fontopacity: 1,                     fontfamily: "arial",                     fontsize: 9,                     fontweight: "600",                     //graphiczindex: 10,                     //labelzindex: 10,                      //graphiczindex : 9999999,                     //zindex: 99999999,                 }             }         })         ]     }) }); 

you looking x,y inside geojson file. logically, computer find , render items in order retrieved, point1 first, point2 second. since not providing names computer, there no way computer understand point want.

example set: {{x,y},{x,y},{a,b},{c,d},{e,f}}

now asking computer {x,y}

how know, 1 want? doesn't. 1 {x,y} no different other, far knows.

you reverse sort geojson file, run reverse of situation, want display second point rather first one. if don't care - reverse sort geojson.


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