select - Using entire query as table name in SQL -

how name entire select statement query table-->

(select col1, col2, col3

from customers..

where col1....) table1;

i want 3 tables keep on using in same sql syntax. operations later perform on these tables (table1, table2, table3) are- combining them (tablex) , counting values table1 filters , displaying column next tablex.

i able in microsoft access, because can store 3 tables, separately manipulate them filters, , write individual queries combining , counting , displaying results 1 final table. not able write single start end query in sql. please help!

you can microsoft access, assume not trying use now.

in t-sql (sql server), can use with

with tab1 (   select     *        taba ),  tab2 (   select     *        tabb ), tab3 (   select     *        tabc )  select   *   tab1 inner join   tab2 on   1=1 inner join   tab3 on   1=1 


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