
Showing posts from April, 2013

boost graph - Why does read_graphviz in BGL need to be compiled? -

i boost because things don't need compiled, included. vast majority of bgl not compiled read_graphviz functionality needs built. seems of other compiled libraries in boost need more information hardware. why read_graphvis need compiled on machine? parsing graph format seems tackled in header include file similar rest of bgl.

php - Class not found in path -

so have php project , when i'm running tests class testcase isn't found , can't figure out why. error in question this: fatal error: class 'project\tests\api\testcase' not found in /some/path/here/test/project/tests/api/userstest.php on line 6 the below file named userstest.php , testcase class can't found. <?php namespace project\tests\api; class userstest extends testcase { // code here } the below file testcase.php exists in same folder userstest.php <?php namespace project\tests\api; abstract class testcase extends \phpunit_framework_testcase { abstract protected function getapiclass(); protected function getapimock() { // code here } } both of these files exists in folder structure test/project/tests/api/ . understanding userstest.php should able find class because both of these files exist in same namespace. in test/project have bootstrap.php file looks this. <?php function includeifexist...

php - Set and Check two bit flags -

what want do: have 4 conditions. maximum 2 set. there maximal 4 valid combinations. $types = array( "a" => 0x1, "b" => 0x2, "c" => 0x4, "d" => 0x8, ); we can have a/b + c/d (=ac, ad, bc, bd) $flags = $types["a"] | $types["c"]; if ($flags & ($types['a'] | $types['d'])) echo "true"; else echo "false"; // output: "true" okay i'm fiddling around .. way long. how set , check 2 flags correctly? // pseudo code explanation x = + d if(x = a+c)

javascript - How to Customize jCountdown timer which is using css sprite resources to become auto Responsive? -

the jcountdown plugin has effect. however inspecting resources, seems plugin using css sprite animation achieve effect. wondering how difficult make become responsive/albe view without seeing horizontal overflow-x scroll bar on small dimensions < 485px. i'll using "slide" effect below img slide_black skin. maybe can share tips on customizing script / css / or photoshop image create diff dimensions fit responsive. using width option 1 option think pitfall result blur day/hour/min/sec label picture text $("#timer").jcountdown({ timetext: tdate, timezone: 8, style: "slide", color: "black", width: 225, textgroupspace: 15, textspace: 0, reflection: !1, reflectionopacity: 10, reflectionblur: 0, daytextnumber: 2, ...

compression - How does hiding files in jpeg file works -

i reading article explaining how hide files in jpeg pictures . i wondering how it's possible file contain both jpeg data , rar file without visible distortion either image or compressed file. my guess has how either compressed file or jpeg file represented in binary form, have no idea how works. can elaborate on that? all doing adding archive end of jpeg stream. hope jpeg decoder not read past eoi marker, find data there, , wrong. a jpeg image stream of bytes starting soi marker , ending eoi marker. zip , rar streams of byte. zip stream starts 50 4b. rar stream starts 52 61 72 21 1a 07. the method described in link above takes binary copy of (multiple) jpeg stream , appends zip or rar stream it. the rar/zip decoders scan stream until find signature rar or zip (ignoring jpeg stream).

apache - htaccess block requests by querystring -

there way block requests querystring? i should block request have "?userid=1234" or "&userid=1234" for example: /directory/page.php?userid=1234&var2=abc&var3=.. /directory/page.php?var1=test&userid=1234&var2=abc&var3=.. the directory , page same. i know it's possibile, i'm not sure how.. you can check query_string , test if contains userid=1234 . if so, forbid it rewriteengine on rewritecond %{query_string} \buserid=1234\b [nc] rewriterule ^ - [f]

windows - Automating an installation using BAT/PS scripts -

i have been attempting automate installation of 1 of applications have run few roadblocks , need help. currently using dell's kace technology push installer local machines. installer run system user meaning not , can not have direct access network shares (relevant later). the application installation workflow follows: stop local security services allow software install remove mapped drive letter x map network drive x \test\test testapp.exe /s msiexec /i test.msi /quiet start local security services allow software install copy shortcut file desktop the installation has 1 executable , 1 msi have run. exe installs mainframe application. msi file installs few files locally , registers 6 dll files located on mapped drive. this issue comes in - because files must on share drive , installer running system -> system account account can't access mapped drive register files installation fails. i further limited fact can't store username/password in plaintext in batch...

visual studio 2013 - Team build error: the path already mapped to workspace ... AGAIN AND AGAIN -

so have reviewed link solve problem, referenced below. team build error: path mapped workspace but problem every time queue build definition same problem. ok, go delete tfs workspace it's complaining about. great works! run build again... ok doesn't , have go delete tfs service workspace on again. how come tfs build service stepping on every time build. error " unable create workspace 'xxx' due mapping conflict... path xxx mapped in workspace 'xxx'" mapping workspace previous build created. not specific user. ok, seemed occur because (i hadn't noticed) changed "build agent folder" specification accident fixed path. rather keeping $(sourcedir). changed entry in build definition , worked fine, after multiple builds using same build definition.

magento - What is getConfigData? -

what getconfigdata ? , diff between getconfigdata , getstoreconfigdata in magento. $this->getconfigdata('shippingspecificcountry', $store_id); i tried current store id , 0, both gives empty array. can explain above method. your question use little more context -- lacking that. the mage::getstoreconfig method static method on global mage class, , provides access configuration values stored in magento's configuration tree. magento's configuration tree created loading xml files in app/etc/*.xml loading xml files `app/etc/modules/*.xml' merging config.xml files active modules merging in values set in core_config_data (via system -> configuration in admin) because magento's configuration big, many module developers add methods getconfigdata or getconfig make fetching specific configuration values easy. example, consider oversimplified example mage::getstoreconfig('foo/baz/bar') vs. $this->getconfig('ba...

garbage collection - How does HashMap in Java handle weak reference for keys and values? -

i read book java memory modelling, says : hashmap use weak reference keys , values(since objects), hashmap can avoid out of memory issue when hasnmap stores more , more key value pairs. but problem : if keys , values being gc during rumtime, how can key value pair using get method in hashmap? for example, string key=new string("gc"); string value=new string("gc"); hashmap.put(key,value); and after execution of code, has chance java gc key , value, happen during: hashmap.get(key) since key no longer exist in hashmap ? it's weakhashmap, removes entries keys no longer referenced outside map itself. , happens after gc cleared key, here: map m = new weakhashmap(); m.put(new object(), 1); // key referenced map system.out.println(m.size()); // prints 1 system.gc(); thread.sleep(1); // give gc time system.out.println(m.size()); // prints 0

monads - Java: How to implement the interface? -

what simplest , workable implementation of interface of m . , how implement method flatmap ? public interface m<t> { <u> m<u> flatmap(function<t, m<u>> f); m<t> unit(t t); } i'm stuck in flatmap implementation. m<string> m = new m<string>() { @override public <u> m<u> flatmap(function<string, m<u>> f) { return null; // ? } @override public m<string> unit(string s) { return new m<string>() { @override public <u> m<u> flatmap(function<string, m<u>> f) { return null; // ? } @override public m<string> unit(string s) { return null; // ? } }; } };

c++ cli - Error with VS C++ 2010 -

i have problem in vs 2010 c++ express, have project everytime start buidling , debuging giving me error : problem friend have same project , same code , work him, think there no prob in code in vs need helps , thank nb: tried reinstalit same probleme piece.h : #include "joueur.h" using namespace system; using namespace system::drawing; using namespace system::windows::forms; public ref class piece { private: joueur^ proprietaire; // pointeur vers joueur int ligne; int col; string^ label; image^ symbole; public: piece(); piece(joueur^ proprietaire, int ligne, int col, string^ label, image^ symbole); property joueur^ propproprietaire { joueur^ get(); void set(joueur^); } property int propligne { int get(); void set(int); } property int propcol { int get(); void set(int); } property string^ proplabel { string^ get()...

jquery - how can I remove quotes from array -

$.getjson('data.json', function(data) { var arr = []; for(var = 0, j = data.length; < j; i++) { var param = data[i]; if(param['p'] == 'levela') { arr.push('{"x":'+param['t']+','+'"y":0'+','+'"h":'+param['v']+','+'"w":1,'+'"bg":"magenta"}'); } } }) this code return ["{"x":5.07527,"y":0,"h":0,"w":1,"bg":"magenta"}", "{"x":5.08601,"y":0,"h":7,"w":1,"bg":"magenta"}", "{"x":5.09164,"y":0,"h":12,"w":1,"bg":"magenta"}", "{"x":5.10255,"y":0,"h":19,"w":1,"bg":...

javascript - Highlight form border not working -

i have form: <form id="shippingaddressform"> when click button, want border of form turn red: $("#shippingaddressform").css('border','red'); however, form's border doesn't turn red. thoughts? thank in advance! try $("#shippingaddressform").css('border','solid 1px red');

hadoop - NameNode HA when using hdfs:// URI -

with hdfs or hftp uri scheme (e.g. hdfs://namenode/path/to/file ) can access hdfs clusters without requiring xml configuration files. handy when running shell commands hdfs dfs -get , hadoop distcp or reading files spark sc.hadoopfile() , because don't have copy , manage xml files relevant hdfs clusters nodes codes might potentially run. one drawback of approach have use active namenode's hostname, otherwise hadoop throw exception complaining nn standby. a usual workaround try 1 , try if exception caught, or connect zookeeper directly , parse binary data using protobuf. both of these methods cumbersome, when compared (for example) mysql's loadbalance uri or zookeeper's connection string can comma-separate hosts in uri , driver automatically finds node talk to. say have active , standby namenode hosts nn1 , nn2 . simplest way refer specific path of hdfs, which: can used in command-line tools hdfs , hadoop can used in hadoop java api (and tools dependi...

java - parsing XML document from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml]; -

i getting few errors in console post below. using eclipse , cleaned project, refreshed target, cleaned tomcat server chasing or of nature not issue. console error: severe: context initialization failed org.springframework.beans.factory.beandefinitionstoreexception: ioexception parsing xml document servletcontext resource [/web-inf/applicationcontext.xml]; nested exception not open servletcontext resource [/web-inf/applicationcontext.xml] @ org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.xmlbeandefinitionreader.loadbeandefinitions( @ org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.xmlbeandefinitionreader.loadbeandefinitions( @ @ ...

android - Facebook SDK 4.0.1 Login without login button -

i'm trying log in without using login button. followed facebook tutorial can not work, give me nullpointerexception. manifest: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="" package="com.example.hema.testfcaebooksdk" > <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.internet"/> <application android:allowbackup="true" android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher" android:label="@string/app_name" android:theme="@style/apptheme" > <meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.applicationid" android:value="@string/facebook_app_id"/> <activity android:name="com.facebook.facebookactivity" android:configchanges= "keyboard|keyboardhidden|screenlayout|screensize|orientation" ...

database - IPN Paypal - Is it unique? -

i have question, paypal ipn txn_id unique each transaction? mean is, possible have 2 separate transactions, same txn_id? because i'm using txn_id has order id in database, , wanted know if there risk of having duplicated txn id's on 2 different purchases. thanks. within each environment -- sandbox , live -- transaction ids unique. there crossover same transaction id exists on both sandbox , live, represent different transactions. additionally, in 99.999999% of cases, if have live transaction id, corresponding sandbox transaction id belong else (and vice versa). ergo, careful don't store both live , sandbox transaction ids in same table , should fine.

android - Are shared preferences stored in memory during runtime? -

are shared preferences in android read @ startup , stored in memory during runtime? if not, there more efficient ways read preferences this? settings = getsharedpreferences("myprefsfile", 0); int answer = settings.getint("ultimate_question", 42); are shared preferences in android read @ startup , stored in memory during runtime simply yes till user doesn't clear manually setting. are there more efficient ways read preferences this as jonascz said in comments.. common , developer friendly way till now.

Using enums in Objective C -

i have declared enum in .h file. in event.h file typedef enum eventtype { movementstart = 100019, movementstop = 100020, heartbeat = 100021 } eventtype; i have imported event.h viewcontroller , trying use as: eventtype eventtype; nsarray *eventtypes = [nsarray arraywithobjects:eventtype.movementstart, nil]; this giving me error: member reference base type 'eventtype' (aka 'enum eventtype') not structure or union. how fix ? first off, reference enum value, wouldn't type eventtype.movementstart , should type movementstart . second, eventtype enum values integers, can store objects in nsarray , wouldn't work anyway. store replacing eventtype.movementstart [nsnumber numberwithinteger:movementstart] , or less verbose, @(movementstart) .

javascript - Calling React View from Express -

i can't find bare minimum example can wire express.js route call react view. so far have. +-- app.js +-- config | +-- server.js +-- routes | +-- index.js +-- views | +-- index.html app.js require('./config/server.js'); require('./routes/index.js'); config | server.js "use strict"; var express = require('express'), app = express(), routes = require('./routes'); app.set('view engine', 'html'); app.engine('html', ); // how tell express jsx template view engine? var port = process.env.port || 3000; app.engine('handlebars', exphbs({ defaultlayout: 'main'})); app.set('view engine', 'handlebars'); var server = app.listen(port, function(){ console.log('accepting connections on port ' + port + '...'); }); routes | index.js app.get('/', function(request, response){ // how call route run index.html ? request.render('index...

c++ - Screen capture only returns a black image -

i'm trying take screen capture of main dialog in mfc application , save image file. tried every example find online , end same result: image file has correct dimensions (i tried dialogs other main 1 sure), black. recent solution using cbitmap class transfer main dialog handle cimage. here code: cwnd* mainwindow; cdc* mainwindowdc; cbitmap bitmaptosave; cimage imagetosave; crect windowrect; //get main window context , create bitmap mainwindow = afxgetmainwnd(); mainwindowdc = mainwindow->getwindowdc(); mainwindow->getwindowrect(&windowrect); bitmaptosave.createcompatiblebitmap(mainwindowdc, windowrect.width(), windowrect.height()); imagetosave.attach(bitmaptosave);"c:\\capture\\image.bmp", gdiplus::imageformatbmp); here way it: hresult capturescreen(const cstring& simagefilepath) { cwnd* pmainwnd = afxgetmainwnd(); crect rc; pmainwnd->getwindowrect(rc); cimage img; img.create(rc.width(), rc.height(), 24); ...

c# - Make a listView row clickable without a button -

i want make listview row clickable without using button. listview filled data out of database putting onclick methode directly on tr isnt option. i found tread: but error: " registerforeventvalidation can called during render()" @ line: string script = this.clientscript.getpostbackclienthyperlink(btn, "", true); this fixable setting " enableeventvalidation="false" " @ @page directive. now question: am doing wrong? is bad thing turn eventvalidation off? is there better way of doing this? if how? i prefer listview if there better way involves other grid control hear that. i making in c# example fine. thanks! you can database. in example below clicking on row call javascript function called evalitem, , pass "publisher" field data item row bound listview. <itemtemplate> <tr class="clsgrouprowselectable" onclick='evalitem...

networking - First time connecting of an interface-less device to a secured Wifi network -

thinking of dilema, , looking ideas or better, proven process following: imaging have device has no interface small footprint server running on it. device meant collect , send data cloud. to configure it, 1 need access server. to access said server, device first need connected network. with wired network interface, it's possible connect , access server configure wifi access , such, if device wifi only? i'm guessing there ways auto-connect unsecured wifi network, connecting secured network poses problem. any thoughts on proper way this? i'm thinking of approach tethering laptop or cellphone first connect, not sure how can implemented (on laptop or device) thanks thoughts. my solution has been set device in wifi ad-hoc mode (i.e. device can discovered device in ad-hoc mode) , run small web server scans wifi routers around select from, , ask user device input credentials, re-configure wifi credentials.

java - How to loop this if statement? -

basically looking question asks. abook class looks this: import*; import java.util.*; public class abook { public static void main (string args[]) { linkedlist addressbook = new linkedlist(); scanner input = new scanner(; system.out.println("would add friend? (say y or n)"); string reply = input.nextline(); if(reply.equals("y")) { system.out.println("what name of friend?"); string name = input.nextline(); system.out.println("what age of friend?"); int age = input.nextint(); friend newfriend = new friend(name,age); addressbook.add("name: " + + "; " + "age: " + newfriend.age); system.out.println("this address book far: " + addressbook); } else if(reply.equals("n")){ system.out.println("thank time...

javascript - JSONP - How The Heck Do I Use It? -

been trying cook jsonp around cross domain issues. used answer here: basic example of using .ajax() jsonp? $.getjson("", function(result){ //response data in result variable alert(result); }); but not getting desired result. code: jquery var url = ""; $.getjson(url, function(result){ //response data in result variable console.log(result); }); php <?php include('init.php'); $pubid = $_request['pid']; date_default_timezone_set ( 'america/new_york' ); $time = date('y-m-d h:i:s',time()-$polling_minutes*60); $count = $conn->prepare("select distinct ip stats timestamp >= '$time' , pubid = '$pubid'"); $count->execute(); $users['users'] = $count->rowcount(); echo "jsoncallback ( ["; echo json_encode($users); echo "] )"; ?> the error: refer...

javascript - Am I returning this promise correctly? -

i have function, getmonitors inside service. getmonitors returns list of monitor objects. if monitor object empty, grabs monitors via http , stores objects in monitor object array , returns it. function coded promise. know http returns promise, function may or may not use http - i've overlaid own promise (see below code) controllers can call getmonitors(0) or getmonitors(1). 0 means if loaded in monitors array due previous call, don't load again. (1) means force reload array http the service , associated getmonitors coded following way: angular.module('zmapp.controllers').service('zmdatamodel', ['$http', '$q', function($http, $q) { // var deferred=''; var monitorsloaded = 0; var monitors = []; getmonitors: function(forcereload) { console.log("** inside zmdata getmonitors forcereload=" + forcereload); var d = $q.defer(); if ((monitorsloaded == 0) || (f...

SQL Join Table vs. Select -

i have inherited legacy sql code following snippet (i've anonymized simplicity sake). create external table dim_abc (user_id int) create table dim_foo select user_id, ... my_table join (select * dim_abc) b on (a.user_id = b.user_id) instead of... from my_table join dim_abc b on (a.user_id = b.user_id) any idea why previous developer have done select within join? ** code hive. the version without subselect better variety of reasons. databases (you don't mention database) lose ability use indexes on dim_abc because of subquery. that not question, though. best guess code started out more complicated. dim_abc might have required logic @ 1 point in time. code simplified, end result useless subquery in from clause. guess, offers 1 plausible scenario.

android - Can media such as photos, music, etc be encrypted? -

i looking method encrypt media can read while person has "active" account eg. media cannot stolen... seem not make sense if application displaying media can decrypt media , display actual photo. is encryption slow? you can achieve such functionality using two-way encryption/decryption, based on password phrase (in binary format) , two-way encryption algorythm, xor example. xor encryption/decryption has linear complexity, it's extremely fast , hard crack encrypted data if don't know encryption algorythm has been used in first place. the actual xor password phrase can associated user's account. long account active, password phrase can accessed , therefore encrypted media can decrypted. if user offline (logged out), password phrase inaccessible , therefore encrypted media stays encrypted. this can implemented service - user downloads music can played while user logged in (i.e. has means access password phrase decrypt music , play it). if key r...

android - GridView does not load when running Calabash test -

i attempting run tests on android app using calabash. main screen of app has buttons , grid view. each cell of grid view contains imageview. if start app via calabash console, looks great. images loaded grid, , can manually execute test steps. however, when attempt run test containing these same steps, grid view not population upon startup, , therefore can't use "touch" commands on images. why getting different behavior running test? edit: here commands i'm using. to run test: (sdk path) calabash-android run (apk path) features/pta-3.feature to start console: (sdk path) calabash-android console (apk path) start_test_server_in_background

io - Where to save a configuration file in a Java project -

so need client store server address etc... locally , have encrypted should file kept have tried putting in program files folder getting error. works fine on mac not windows. /** * gets path configuration file * dependent on operating system. * * @return file path {@code file} */ public file getosconfigurationpath () { file file; if (system.getproperty("").startswith("windows")) { file = new file (system.getproperty("user.home") + "/program files/autosales/configuration.txt"); } else { file = new file (system.getproperty("user.home") + "/library/application support/autosales/configuration.txt"); } return file; } the file ^^^^ returned uses this. } else { file.createnewfile(); system.out.println("new config file created"); } for reason windows save path giv...

api - OAuth 2.0 two-legged authentication vs SSL/TLS -

i have 2 enterprise servers need communicate in secure way, , comparing using ssl (with client/server certs validate both sides) vs two-legged authentication using oauth 2.0 (optionally mac tokens or jwt tokens). historically oauth seems have been created totally different purpose (the 3-legged case user allowing service access data somewhere), , although two-legged integrated oauth 2.0 spec, have seen two-legged oauth 2.0 doesn't seem offer additional protection on ssl. the point can think of oauth potentially easier configure ssl, , easy make mistakes things accepting bad ssl certs can compromise security. not sure if reason enough go oauth. note mention these separate options, think using oauth entail using on top of https/ssl, both used. is there real advantage of using oauth 2.0 two-legged scheme server-to-server communication (no user involved)? note: did find a similar post here , quite old don't feel gave satisfactory answer on matter. i'll re...

local storage - how to hydrate a javascript object -

i have javascript object (userobject) populate on 1 page, add object localstorage using json.stringify now on next page, rehydrate userobject values localstorage on first page. the userobject global variable declared once, in shared/common javascript. but using current logic, login page stores username , userid in userobject, window.location.href page redirection. data in userobject being cleared (assuming old object being washed away, in favor of new object on new page). the question is, how rehydrate new userobject on main page values localstorage. here how loading locastorage localstorage.setitem('userobject', json.stringify(userobject)); this thinking on rehydrating userobject userobject = localstorage.getitem('userobject'); but upon viewing userobject... string or values, doesn't recreate object , fill values, long string... localstorage can't know how original object. need explicitly call json.parse(). userobject =

PHP include warnings -

i have 2 php-files. source/dao/winkelwagendao.php here i: include_once($_server['document_root'].'/itbee/model/winkelwagenitem.php'); then have: source/model/winkelwagenitem.php -> getters , setters now on onchange event in jquery ajax-request winkelwagendao file, catch request in dao file , call appropriate function -> updateaantal() catch: if(isset($_post['function'])) { $action = $_post['function']; switch ($action) { case 'updateaantal' : echo "\naan te passen aantal voor productid: " . $_post['productid'] . " gebruik functie: " . $_post['function'] . " set aantal naar: " . $_post['aantal']; winkelwagendao::updateaantal($_post['productid']); } } updateaantal() function: public static function updateaantal($productid) { if (isset($_cookie["winkelwagen"])) { //cookie exists? $arr...

SQL Server Cursor Locking Issue -

my application opens cursor perform updates/deletes on indexed view. while cursor opened, there multiple page locks though query populating cursor doing select top 100 . the query specifies (updlock,readpast) query hints multiple processes work queue. expect see 100 locks cursor, seeing upwards 67,000 locks cursor. also, expect these locks on row level, on page level, maybe lock escalation? any ideas? cursor population sql: select top 100 col1, col2, col3 indexedview (updlock, readpast) order col3 indexed view: select col1, col2, col3 table col4 null thanks

php - Auto FIll Virtual Wallet for Users Wordpress -

i trying integrate virtual wallet system payments wordpress based e-commerce website i using plugin - link plugin working process of plugin in plugin admin dashboard admin can select user users on website , assigns particular money in wallet of user user can buy website within money my problem , requirement but need fill amount in user's wallet manually . want user transfer me money on paypal , automatically added wallet i unable find proper information regarding . possible done in wordpress , there plugin available i recommend using paypal ipn that. every time transaction hits paypal account server post data transaction url on server. url can receive data , update system accordingly. happens in real-time, too. you can , running ipn using paypal ipn wordpress plugin. use hooks provided ipn plugin whatever want paypal payment data when receives it. for example, paypal_ipn_for_wordpress_payment_status_completed hook triggered time successful pay...

sql server - Using bcp utility from within a stored procedure to output records to a text file -

i have been using bcp utility command line save result of query text file e.g. c:> bcp "select name [databasename].[dbo].[employees]" queryout "filepath.txt" -c -t i trying find away execute , similar bcp commands stored procedure. research solution investigated xp_cmdshell stored procedure (disabled security reasons) use sql server agent , use job steps invoke command shell post mssqltips . attempt @ solution (code below lies within stored procedure) declare @job nvarchar(100) set @job ='execute_bcp' exec msdb..sp_add_job @job_name = @job, @description = 'execute bcp command', @owner_login_name = 'sa', @delete_level = 1 exec msdb..sp_add_jobstep @job_name = @job, @step_id = 1, @step_name ='command shell execution', @subsystem = 'cmdexec', @command = 'bcp "select name [databasename].[dbo].[employees]" queryout "filepath.txt" -c -t', @on_success_action =1 ...

Checking the gigantic unformatted file generated in FORTRAN -

the output of fortran program gigantic (300gb) unformatted file. ( in fact, file includes time evolution of xyz coordinates of many many particles. so, data type real*8, if matters @ all) the problem not sure if of data written correctly, because of transient issue in computational server. now, im left gigantic file, , looking way check if of content healthy! is there way check weather of xyz's written correctly, , not corruptedly (say nan)? in addition dwwork's method of checking nans, can check infinity. after that, simple matter of reading file , looping through every value. since wrote file, assume can read it. program testinfnan implicit none real*8 :: x, y, z logical :: xnan, ynan, znan, xinf, yinf, zinf z = 1. x = z / 0. y = x / x print *, '' print *, 'x = ', x print *, 'y = ', y print *, 'z = ', z xnan = x /= x ynan = y /= y znan = z /= z print *, '' print *, 'xnan =...